magic pencil

"Palestinian cartoonist Mohammad Saba’aneh, a contributor to the Cartoon Movement comics journalism site, was arrested by Israeli authorities on Saturday and is being held without access to a lawyer, a situation that could continue indefinitely. The Cartoon Movement blog has been tracking the story as well as the reaction by international organizations." (robot 6)

" je pense que la place de ce jeune dessinateur n’est pas au « Salon des Refusés ». Je défends sa liberté d’expression et condamne la liberté d’oppression dont Israel use parfois sans juste mesure." (Kichka)

other works about Saba'aneh's arrest:
Michel Kichka

Carlos Brilo


doodling with the stars

while in Angouleme I also did a small interview for Nouvel Observatuer. you can read it here. big thanks Mélissa Bounoua and Amandine Schmitt for chatting with me. they also have a great tumblr about the festival called 4 jours a angouleme you should check out.
in other news, i'm getting kicked out of my office in tel aviv, and now searching for a new place. if you know of a nice office or working space in tel aviv please let me know.

talk soon


rain check

it's nice to have water coming down from the sky for a change.

after over 140 realist episodes i figured its about time to start labeling the strips. i'm still going through the archive and it might take a while to complete, but in case you are interested, check the list below.

also the etsy print shop has been updated.

song to the siren

90 seconds is the time you have once the siren starts to find shelter from the missiles. in our case, it meant running down the stairs to the ground floor. then you hear an explosion, wait 10 minutes and go back to your life, until the next siren. 
